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Blazor training course

Create web single page applications with .NET and without Javascript. Use Blazor toCreate a Server-side or Blazor Progressive Web Application.

JBI training course London UK

 "Learning about components, razor pages and binding was very useful and will be helpful in our implementation of Blazor replacing Silverlight. The templating and callbacks I also found particularly useful. The trainer was an expert in his knowledge and delivery. I really enjoyed being taught by him and his examples were very good at demonstrating the theory."

HW, Systems Developer, Blazor, May 2021

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16/09/24 - 5 days
£2500 +VAT
28/10/24 - 5 days
£2500 +VAT

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JBI training course London UK

Learn Blazor and Razor Components

  • Explore Razor Components with Layout and Attributes 
  • Create and Configure Blazor applications
  • Create a Server-side or Blazor Progressive Web Application
  • Use .NET 8 Blazor Render Modes
  • Create Generic Components
  • Provide validation for input
  • Gain an Introduction to Entity Framework Core
  • Call REST services
  • Use Bootstrap to provide a Responsive User Interface

Here is a short video of an exercise, as it would be seen on JBI's Blazor training course 

Blazor (.NET 8) Introduction

  • What are Blazor; Razor Components and Web Assembly?
  • Blazor Server vs WebAssembly
  • Discuss the rapid development and evolution of ASP.NET
  • Render Modes
  • Comparison of features for web technologies
  • Support for Dependency Injection
  • Creating your first Blazor Web Application
  • Configuration Options

Introduction to Blazor Application

  • Overview of Blazor
  • Blazor and Razor Components
  • Installing Blazor Templates
  • Pages
  • Layout and menu
  • Dependency Injection

Razor Components

  • Pages vs Components
  • Component Lifecycle
  • Routing
  • Binding (one way and two way)
  • Handling Events
  • Code
  • Code behind files
  • Razor Syntax
  • Razor Directives

Error Handling

  • Exception Handling
  • Error Boundary
  • Error Boundary Recovery


  • Introduction to QuickGrid
  • Sorting
  • Paging

Calling Services

  • Creating Web API services
  • Web API Controller
  • Implementing Controller Actions
  • Using HttpClient
  • Configuring and Injecting HttpClient
  • Using Get request for Web API service
  • Using Post, Put and Delete

Components - continued

  • Parameters
  • Child Components
  • Cascading Parameters
  • RenderFragments
  • Template Components
  • Implementing Tabs
  • DynamicComponent

Using Entity Framework

  • Introduction to Entity Framework Core
  • Migrations and Database creation
  • DataAnnotations
  • Adding Migrations
  • Creating a Database
  • Injection of DbContextFactory
  • Working with the Database


  • Introduction to Validation
  • EditForm components
  • Input components
  • Validation components

Authentication and Authorization

  • Dealing with common security threats in Web Applications
  • Individual Authentication
  • Authentication and Authorization
  • Configuring Authorization
  • Securing Pages and Components



Razor Class Library

  • Creating a Razor Class Library
  • Using Components from a Library
  • Routing to Pages in a Library

State Management

  • Introduction to ProtectedBrowserStorage
  • Session vs Local
  • ProtectedBrowserStorageResult

Interop with JavaScript

  • Calling JavaScript from Components
  • Referring to Elements within the JavaScript
  • Calling .NET methods from JavaScript

CSS Isolation

  • Introduction of CSS Isolation
  • CSS Files
  • CSS on Child Components


  • Using Bootstrap to provide a Responsive User Interface
  • Layout using Bootstrap
  • Modal Dialog


JBI training course London UK

.NET developers who want to leverage the power of a familiar language to build client-side interfaces


Image result for core 3

5 star

4.8 out of 5 average

 "Learning about components, razor pages and binding was very useful and will be helpful in our implementation of Blazor replacing Silverlight. The templating and callbacks I also found particularly useful. The trainer was an expert in his knowledge and delivery. I really enjoyed being taught by him and his examples were very good at demonstrating the theory."

HW, Systems Developer, Blazor, May 2021

ā€œJBI  did a great job of customizing their syllabus to suit our business  needs and also bringing our team up to speed on the current best practices. Our teams varied widely in terms of experience and  the Instructor handled this particularly well - very impressiveā€

Brian F, Team Lead, RBS, Data Analysis Course, 20 April 2022



JBI training course London UK



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Our ASP.NET Core 3.1 (and .NET 6)  Blazor and Razor components training course will show you how Blazor and the use of Razor Components (requiring Visual Studio) provides a new approach to creating web Single Page Applications (SPA), with the advantage that the coding can be predominantly in a .NET language. 

The latest release allows creation of applications (Progressive Web Applications) which can be installed on the client (desktop or mobile). 

The client side will require some HTML and CSS, but with limited need for JavaScript and its associated frameworks.

+44 (0)20 8446 7555

[email protected]



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