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C++ Introduction training course

Create Efficient Responsive Robust C++ Applications - Where Performance Matters

JBI training course London UK

"Very clear and professional presentation of content. Good mix of theory and practice. I particularly liked the detailed explanations of the language which helped reinforce the learning"

SP, Assistant Risk Manager, C++ Introduction, February 2021 

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JBI training course London UK

  • Learn principles of Object Oriented Programming
  • Create Efficient Responsive Robust C++ Applications - Where Performance Matters
  • Explore Imperative Programming Features
  • Use Functions and Flow of Control
  • Understand Memory Management
  • Work with Pointers and Smart Pointers
  • Learn Data Structures and Classes
  • Implement Inheritance and Polymorphism
  • Apply Templates for Generic Programming
  • Understand use  of Operators and Streams
  • Gain an Introduction to the Standard Library
  • Explore New C++ 11 to C++20 Features


Here is a short video of an exercise on illustrating inheritance and polymorphism in C++ as it would be taught on JBI training's 4 day C++ introduction training course.

Introduction to Object Oriented Programming

  • Data abstraction
  • Encapsulation
  • Inheritance
  • Polymorphism

C++ Fundamentals

  • iostream
  • Use of cin and cout
  • Comments
  • Declaring variables
  • Scope
  • Lab: Create simple application providing input/ouput

Introduction to Functions

  • Defining functions
  • Passing by value
  • Passing by reference
  • Lab: Separate functionality into separate functions

Iteration and Flow of Control

  • Relational operators
  • for and while loops
  • do-while loop
  • Conditional expression
  • Switch statement
  • Lab: Add flow of control statements to provide user options


  • Declaring arrays
  • Initialisation
  • Accessing arrays
  • Multi-Dimensioned arrays
  • Lab: Extent application to store data

Data Structure

  • Defining a structure
  • Accessing structure members
  • Lab: Store data within structures

Functions Revisited

  • Function overloading
  • Default arguments
  • Lab: Add function overloads

Pointers and Dynamic Memory


  • Overview of use of Pointers
  • Declaring pointers
  • Use of new and delete
  • Smart Pointers (new C++11 features)
  • Exception handling
  • Labs: Experiment with the use of pointers


  • Defining a class
  • Constructors
  • Destructor
  • Inline functions
  • New C++11 to 20 class features
  • Lab: Revise application to use classes and encapsulation

Inheritance - Polymorphism

  • Virtual functions
  • Pure virtual functions
  • Abstract classes
  • Lab: Enhance application to use inheritance and polymorphism


Introduction to Templates and Namespaces

  • Defining a namespace
  • Templates provide the basis for Generic Programming
  • Template functions
  • Template classes
  • Labs: Incorporate the use of a namespace; Experiment with the use of templates

Introduction to Operators

  • Defining operators
  • Unary and binary operators
  • Type conversion operators
  • Lab: Investigate the use of operators

Introduction to Streams

  • Formatted output
  • Input and error handling
  • File input and output
  • Lab: Add operator for output

Introduction to Standard Library

  • Containers and Container Adapters
  • Iterators and Iterator Adapters
  • Algorithms
  • Function Objects (Functors)
  • Labs: Store data within container; Experiment with use of algorithms and functors

Overview of C++ 11 to 20 Features

  • Lambda Functions
  • Lambda Functions vs Functors
  • Lab: Use Lambda Function as alternative to Functor




JBI training course London UK

Experienced Software Developers who are completely new to C++ programming or those with elementary skills in C++, who need to gain hands-on experience of developing commercial applications.

5 star

4.8 out of 5 average

"Very clear and professional presentation of content. Good mix of theory and practice. I particularly liked the detailed explanations of the language which helped reinforce the learning"

SP, Assistant Risk Manager, C++ Introduction, February 2021 

“JBI  did a great job of customizing their syllabus to suit our business  needs and also bringing our team up to speed on the current best practices. Our teams varied widely in terms of experience and  the Instructor handled this particularly well - very impressive”

Brian F, Team Lead, RBS, Data Analysis Course, 20 April 2022



JBI training course London UK



Sign up for the JBI Training newsletter to stay updated with world-class technology training opportunities, including Analytics, AI, ML, DevOps, Web, Backend and Security. Our Power BI Training Course is especially popular.  Gain new skills, useful tips, and validate your expertise with an industry-leading organisation, all tailored to your schedule and learning preferences.

Our C++ training course will introduce you to a key programming language used across a wide range of industries for many application types.  Noted for its performance, it can be used for embedded application, server side process as well as GUI applications. 

Recent changes to the language in new standards have improved the languages safety and performance further.  New and improved C++ Library features have improved functionality and helped reduce development effort.

The JBI approach is to move quickly from the basics of the language to features which allow safer usage of pointers, namely, smart pointer.  Various alternative styles of programming are possible with C++, such as, object oriented, generic and functional. 

We show how C++ allows these different styles of programming.

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