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Java EE 7 for Developers training course

Build Rock Solid Professional Enterprise Level Back End Applications With JavaEE'S Latest Features

JBI training course London UK

"Our tailored course provided a well rounded introduction and also covered some intermediate level topics that we needed to know. Clive gave us some best practice ideas and tips to take away. Fast paced but the instructor never lost any of the delegates"

Brian Leek, Data Analyst, May 2022

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18/11/24 - 5 days
£2495 +VAT
06/01/25 - 5 days
£2495 +VAT
17/02/25 - 5 days
£2495 +VAT

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JBI training course London UK

  • Understand the Java EE architectural paradigm
  • Use CDI to inject distributed objects, including enterprise Java beans, and application server specific components
  • Develop and deploy Persistence Units
  • Use EJB to create a business layer
  • Use JPA to create a persistence layer
  • Use JAX-RS to create a REST API layer
  • Apply JAAS Security to an application
  • Manage transactions using JTA
  • Build and deploy a complete Java EE application within a Java EE compliant application server
  • Learn JEE security
  • Understand and implement JMS based applications
  • Learn best practice architectural and design principles when building JEE applications


Chapter 1 Introduction to Java EE

    What is Java EE?
    What technologies does Java EE encapsulate?
    What is the architecture of Java EE applications?
    When should I be considering Java EE in my applications?

Chapter 2 Creating REST based Web services

    The REST Principles
    Working with JAX-RS
    Setting Paths and Parameters
    Controlling the binding to XML and JSON
    Deployment considerations

Chapter 3 The Java Persistence API (JPA)

    What is the Java Persistence API
    Hibernate and the JPA
    The JPA Entity beans
    Using Annotations with Entity beans
    A Hibernate example using JPA

Chapter 4 Persistence Units

    What is a persistent unit
    Configuring a persistence unit
    Understanding persistence.xml
    Deploying a persistence unit

Chapter 5 Enterprise Java Bean Overview

    Session bean overview
    Message Driven Bean overview
    Packaging EJBs for deployment

Chapter 6 Session Beans in EJB3

    Session bean local and remote interfaces
    Session Context
    Annotating session beans
    Deploying session beans
    Dependency injection with Session beans

Chapter 7 The Entity Manager

    The role of the entity manager in JPA
    Configuring a Hibernate Entity manager
    Entity manager methods
    Entity object lifecycle
    Working with an entity manager from a session bean
    Transaction management using JTA

Chapter 8 JNDI

    What is JNDI?
    How to use JNDI Locating remote objects
    Registering remote objects
    Using Dependency injection

Chapter 9 Context Dependency Injection

    The role of CDI in enterprise applications
    Creating @Default and @Alternative beans
    Working with custom qualifiers
    Decorators and Interceptors
    Working with Events

Chapter 10 Web Applications and EJB

    Web applications and EJB interaction
    Design considerations
    Architectural example
    Maven based projects for EAR files

Chapter 11 Java Messaging Service

    Introduction to JMS
    Topics and Queues
    Implementing messaging using Java

Chapter 12 Message Driven Beans

    The role of the MDB
    Building an MDB
    Deploying an MDB

Chapter 13 Securing JEE Applications

    Realms, Principals, and Roles
    Configuring Authentication
    Configuring Authorization
    Programmatic and Declarative Security


JBI training course London UK

Experienced Java programmers who require the skills to develop enterprise applications.

5 star

4.8 out of 5 average

"Our tailored course provided a well rounded introduction and also covered some intermediate level topics that we needed to know. Clive gave us some best practice ideas and tips to take away. Fast paced but the instructor never lost any of the delegates"

Brian Leek, Data Analyst, May 2022

“JBI  did a great job of customizing their syllabus to suit our business  needs and also bringing our team up to speed on the current best practices. Our teams varied widely in terms of experience and  the Instructor handled this particularly well - very impressive”

Brian F, Team Lead, RBS, Data Analysis Course, 20 April 2022



JBI training course London UK



Sign up for the JBI Training newsletter to stay updated with world-class technology training opportunities, including Analytics, AI, ML, DevOps, Web, Backend and Security. Our Power BI Training Course is especially popular.  Gain new skills, useful tips, and validate your expertise with an industry-leading organisation, all tailored to your schedule and learning preferences.

Our JavaEE training course will show you how to build end to end applications using JEE best practices, design patterns, and technologies to ensure that you get a performant, scalable JEE applications. The course is constantly updated to reflect the latest trends and best practices in JEE developmen,and is delivered by leading figures in the Java world.

The course demonstrates how to build enterprise Java EE applications. Throughout this training course, students will build an end to end Java EE application. They will learn how to work with all the core Web technologies including JAX-RS, JPA, CDI, and EJB. They will also see some of the common design patterns that can be applied in Java enterprise applications. This course can be delivered on your preferred application server. It is commonly delivered using a combination of Tomcat, JBoss, WildFly, Glassfish, WebSphere, or WebLogic. Additional optional chapters are available covering SOAP services and Web frameworks for front end development using JSP and Tag libraries or Thymeleaf. Through the course, students will build a complete end to end JEE REST API using best practice with JEE. Optionally, a front end can be added as well.

JBI have been running Java courses since the language first came out in the mid 1990's and we feel well equipped to add value.

+44 (0)20 8446 7555

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